Directory Submission
Submit to Yahoo!, The Open Directory and Web Design Directories
Guidelines for submitting to Directories
What is a Directory?
A categorized index of web sites that does not use robots is called a directory. All sites that are indexed are submitted manually. You need to submit your web site under a relevant category, after which an editor will review your site and then accept or reject your site according to its content.
Guidelines while submitting to Directories
Good site design, fast loading pages, and informative content are very important issues.
- From the homepage of a directory take your time and find the
appropriate category your site fits into. You can do
a keyword search using your most important keywords or key phrases
and note the category that lists these sites. That will probably
be the best category for your site. You may also have multiple
categories, in which case you must submit under all the suitable
- Once you have found a suitable category, look out for a "Suggest
a site" or an "Add URL" link. Click on this
link to submit your site.
- Since Directories do not use robots, your best bet is to describe your site accurately as the final decision of adding your web site to a directory's database rests with the editor who reviews your web site.
Top Directories
Yahoo is without a doubt the single most important index on the Internet. Make sure you follow the guidelines given above and Yahoo's submit page instructions while submitting your site. The effort you put in now will reap huge benefits in the long run. Submit carefully!
Open Directory - Dmoz
Lycos, AOL Search, AltaVista and HotBot feature Open Directory categories within their results pages. As ODP is now the directory listing source for many search engines, it is in the "big leagues" and is a must to submit to.
Read their instructions and submit