Pop-up Windows
How to use the dreamweaver behaviors panel to create pop-up windows
In this tutorial you'll learn how to use the Dreamweaver behaviors panel to create small pop-up windows. This behavior helps to create pop-up ads, small browser windows etc.
Prerequisite Knowledge
This pop-up windows tutorial teaches you how to create pop-up windows using Dreamweaver behaviors and thus assumes you are familiar with some design software, even if you are new to Adobe Dreamweaver. However be assured that our detailed instructions can be followed by even a total novice.
You Are Here ::: Home >> Free Tutorials >> Dreamweaver Tutorials >> Pop-up WindowsDreamweaver Tutorial to open new windows using 'Open Browser Window' Behavior
How to create & edit Pop-Up Windows
Pop-Up Windows can be easily created using the 'Open Browser Window' of the Dreamweaver behaviors panel. You can give the URL and set the window properties using the 'Open Browser Window' dialog box.
For Example: Click here for live Demo
- To create a pop-up window for any link, create the link (either text / image) using '#', select it and then open the Behaviors panel (Shift+F3).
- Click the Add (+) button and select 'Open Browser Window' from the Actions pop-up menu.
- Select the URL to be opened and set the window properties, say width, height, attributes (Navigation toolbar, Location toolbar, Status bar, Menu bar, Scrollbars as needed, Resize handles) and a name.
- To edit a pop-up window, select the link and then double-click the 'Open Browser Window' in the Actions column of the Behaviors panel to make the necessary changes.
- Save and test your file in a web browser. That's it you've learnt how to create pop-up windows using Dreamweaver Behaviors.
Software Required
Adobe Dreamweaver (Macromedia Dreamweaver prior to version 8). Please check out the compatible versions listed in the box below. Since this tutorial series covers the core functions of Dreamweaver to create pop-up windows using Dreamweaver behaviors, mostly any version of these software should be fine.
Compatible Versions of Dreamweaver for this Tutorial
![Dreamweaver CS6](/images/icons/dreamweaver-CS6.gif)
Note: The instructions in this tutorial are same across all Dreamweaver versions listed above; Screenshot images (if any) may differ. Recommended Version: Dreamweaver CS6