How to create Database & Tables using PhpMyAdmin
In this tutorial you will learn how to create new database and table in MySQL using PHPMyAdmin. Creating a database or table using PHPMyAdmin is very easy. The steps given below will guide you on how to handle PHPMyAdmin.
Steps to create a database in PHPMyAdmin
The following figure shows your PHPMyAdmin interface, just enter your database name and click the 'Create' button to create your database.
Figure showing PHPMyAdmin interface for Database creation. -
Now to create a new table enter your tablename and the number of fields in the table, then click the 'Go' Button.
Figure showing PHPMyAdmin interface for Table creation. - The next step is to create the fields, just enter values for each field name, type, length of the field, null option and mention whether it is a primary key or not. Then click the 'Save' button to complete your table creation.
Figure showing PHPMyAdmin interface for Field creation. -
The following figure is displayed upon successful creation of your table:
Figure showing PHPMyAdmin after successful Table creation. - That's it you've learnt how to create database & table using PHP MyAdmin.
Note: Please Click here for Insert, Edit & Delete operations.